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Hammarlund Receivers |
Hammarlund Comet Pro
Type: General Coverage Modes: AM/CW Tubes/Stages: 8/ 0-RF, 2-IF Audio Output: 227/1W Product Detector: None Filter: None (Xtal - late model) New Price/Year: $90-$150/1932-1935 (model variations 1-5) Size: 9.5"h x 20.75"w x 13.75"d Approx. Weight: XX lbs
Tube Complement (variation 1): 224A mixer, 227 hfo, (2) 235 if, 224A detector, 227 bfo, 227 af out, 80 rect.
Hammarlund SP-400
Type: General Coverage Modes: AM/CW Tubes/Stages: 18/ 2-RF, 3-IF Audio Output: 6F6/2.5W Product Detector: None Filter: Xtal New Price/Year: $345-$385/1946-1948 Size: 12.75"h x 21.5"w x 15.25"d Approx. Weight: 68 lbs
Tube Complement: 6K7 rf1, 6K7 rf2, 6L7 1st det/mixer, 6J7 hfo, 6K7 if1, 6SK7 if2, 6SK7 if3, 6H6 2nd det, 6N7 nl, 6SJ7 bfo, 6SK7 avc amp, 6H6 avc rect, 6J5 af1, 6F6 af2, 6F6 af3, 5U4G hi-voltage rect, 5Y3G C-bias rect.
Hammarlund HQ-120X/HQ-120
Type: General Coverage Modes: AM/CW Tubes/Stages: 12/ 1-RF, 3-IF Audio Output: 6V6/2.0W Product Detector: None Filter: Xtal (HQ-129X) New Price/Year: $120/1938-1944 Size: 11.0"h x 20.25"w x 13.5"d Approx. Weight: 58 lbs
Tube Complement: 6S7 rf, 6K8 conv, (2) 6S7 if, 6F6 if, 6H6 det/avc, 6H6 nl, 6J7 bfo, 6SF5 meter amp, 6V6 af out, VR-150 vr, 5Z4 rect.
Hammarlund HQ-129X
Type: General Coverage Modes: AM/CW Tubes/Stages: 11/ 1-RF, 3-IF Audio Output: 6V6/2.0W Product Detector: None Filter: Xtal New Price/Year: $129-$189/1946-1953 Size: 11.5"x20.25"x13.5" Approx. Weight: 60 lbs
Tube Complement: 6SS7 rf, 6K8 conv/ 1st det/ osc, (3) 6SS7 if, 6H6 det/nl, 6SN7 af1/S-meter, 6V6 af out, 6SJ7 bfo, 0C3 vr, 5U4 rect.
Hammarlund HQ-140X
Type: General Coverage Modes: AM/CW Tubes/Stages: 11/ 1-RF, 3-IF Audio Output: 6V6/2.0W Product Detector: None Filter: Xtal New Price/Year: $264.50/1953-1955 Size: 11.5"h x 20.25"w x 13.5"d Approx. Weight: 60 lbs
Tube Complement: 6C4 osc, 6BA6 rf, 6BE6 mixer, (3) 6BA6 if, 6AL5 det/avc/nl, 12AU7 af1/bfo, 6V6 af out, 0C3 vr, 5U4 rect.
Hammarlund HQ-140XA
Type: General Coverage Modes: AM/CW Tubes/Stages: 11/ 1-RF, 3-IF Audio Output: 6V6/2.0W Product Detector: None Filter: Xtal New Price/Year: $249/1956-1958 Size: 11.5"h x 20.25"w x 13.5"d Approx. Weight: 60 lbs
Tube Complement: 6C4 osc, 6BA6 rf, 6BE6 mixer, (3) 6BA6 if, 6AL5 det/avc/nl, 12AU7 af1/bfo, 6V6 af out, 0C3 vr, 5U4 rect.
Hammarlund HQ-150
Type: General Coverage Modes: AM/SSB Tubes/Stages: 13/ 1-RF, 3-IF Audio Output: 6V6/2.0W Product Detector: None Filter: Xtal, Q-Multiplier New Price/Year: $290-$295/1956-1958 Size: 11.5"h x 20.25"w x 13.5"d Approx. Weight: 60 lbs
Tube Complement: 6BA6 rf, 6BE6 mixer, 6C4 hfo, (3) 6BA6 if, 6AL5 det/avc/nl, 12AX7 af1/bfo, 6V6 af out, 0C3 vr, 5U4 rect, 12AX7 Q-mult, 6BZ6 calib.
Hammarlund HQ-100
Type: General Coverage Modes: AM/CW Tubes/Stages: 10/ 1-RF, 2-IF Audio Output: 6AQ5/1.0W Product Detector: None Filter: Q-Multiplier New Price/Year: $169-$189/1956-1961 Size: 9.50"h x 16.25"w x 9.25"d Approx. Weight: 35 lbs
Tube Complement: 6BZ6 rf amp, 6BE6 mixer, 6C4 hfo, (2) 6BA6 if, 6AL5 det/anl, 12AX7 af1/q-mult/bfo, 6AQ5 af out, 0B2 vr, 5Y3 rect.
Hammarlund HQ-100A
Type: General Coverage Modes: AM/CW/SSB Tubes/Stages: 10/ 1-RF, 2-IF Audio Output: 6AQ5/1.0W Product Detector: None Filter: Q-Multiplier New Price/Year: $189-$199/1961-1964 Size: 9.50"h x 16.25"w x 9.25"d Approx. Weight: 35 lbs
Tube Complement: 6BZ6 rf amp, 6BE6 mixer, 6C4 hfo, (2) 6BA6 if, 6BV8 det/anl/bfo, 12AX7 af1/q-mult, 6AQ5 af out, 0B2 vr, 5Y3 rect.
Hammarlund HQ-110/HQ-110A
Type: Ham Bands Only Modes: AM/CW/SSB Tubes/Stages: 12/ 1-RF, 2-IF Audio Output: 6AQ5/1.0W Product Detector: None Filter: Q-Multiplier New Price/Year: (HQ-110A) $249/1962-1964 Size: 9.50"h x 16.25"w x 9.25"d Approx. Weight: 32 lbs
Tube Complement: 6BZ6 rf amp, 6BE6 mixer1, 6BE6 mixer2/xco, 6C4 hfo, 6BA6 if1, 6AZ8 if2/bfo, 6BJ7 det/anl/avc, 12AX7 af1/q-mult, 6BZ6 calib, 6AQ5 af out, 0B2 vr, 5U4 rect.
Hammarlund SP-600
Type: General Coverage Modes: AM/CW Tubes/Stages: 20/ 2-RF, 3-IF Audio Output: 6V6/2.5W Product Detector: None Filter: Xtal New Price/Year: $980-$1150/1951-1972 Size: 12.75"h x 21.5"w x 17.0"d Approx. Weight: 80 lbs
Tube Complement: (2) 6BA6 rf, 6AC7 ffo, 6C4 vfo, (2) 6BE6 mixer, 6BA6 gate, 6C4 ffo, (2) 6BA6 if, 6BA6 driver, 6BA6 buffer, 6C4 bfo, 6AL5 det/avc, 6AL5 lim/meter, 12AU7 if3/af, 6V6 af out, 6AL5 rectifier single conv. under 7.4 MHz, 0A2 vr, 5R4GY rect.
Hammarlund HQ-145
Type: General Coverage Modes: AM/CW/SSB Tubes/Stages: 11/ 1-RF, 3-IF Audio Output: 6AQ5/1.0W Product Detector: None Filter: Xtal, L/C New Price/Year: $270-$289/1959-1963 Size: 10.5"h x 19.0"w x 13.0"d Approx. Weight: 38 lbs
Tube Complement: 6BZ6 rf, 6BE6 mixer1, 6BE6 conv/455 kc if amp, 6BA6 455 kc if amp, 6BA6 455 kc if amp, 6AL5 det/nl, 12AX7 455 kc bfo/af amp, 6AQ5 af out, 6C4 hfo, 0B2 vr, 5U4 rect.
Hammarlund HQ-160
Type: General Coverage Modes: AM/CW/SSB Tubes/Stages: 13/ 1-RF, 2-IF Audio Output: 6AQ5/1.0W Product Detector: Yes New Price/Year: $379/1958-1960 Filter: Xtal, L/C Size: 10.5"h x 19.0"w x 13.0"d Approx. Weight: 38 lbs
Tube Complement: 6BA6 rf, 6BE6 mixer, 6C4 hfo, 6BE6 conv, 6BA6 if1, 6BA6 if2, 6BJ7 det/limiter/avc, 12AU7 af1, 6U8 det/bfo, 6AQ5 af out, 6BZ6 calib, 0B2 vr, 5U4 rect.
Hammarlund HQ-180
Type: General Coverage Modes: AM/CW/SSB Tubes/Stages: 18/ 1-RF, 4-IF Audio Output: 6AQ5/1.0W Product Detector: Yes Filter: Xtal, L/C New Price/Year: $429/1959-1962 Size: 10.5"h x 19.0"w x 13.0"d Approx. Weight: 38 lbs
Tube Complement: 6BZ6 rf amp, 6BE6 mixer1, 6BE6 conv, 6BA6 455 kc if, 6BE6 conv, 6BA6 60 kc if, 6BA6 60 kc if, 6BV8 60 kc if amp/avc/am det, 12AU7 prod det, 6AL5 anl, 6BZ6 xtal calib, 6C4 hfo, 12AU7 60 kc bfo/s-meter, 6BA6 455 kc gate, 6AV6 af1/avc, 6AQ5 af out, 0A2 vr, 5U4 rect.
Hammarlund HQ-180A
Type: General Coverage Modes: AM/CW/SSB Tubes/Stages: 17/ 1-RF, 4-IF Audio Output: 6AQ5/1.0W Product Detector: Yes Filter: Xtal, L/C New Price/Year: $439-$519/1963-1972 Size: 10.5"h x 19.0"w x 13.0"d Approx. Weight: 38 lbs
Tube Complement: 6BZ6 rf amp, 6BE6 mixer1, 6BE6 conv, 6BA6 455 kc if, 6BE6 conv, 6BA6 60 kc if, 6BA6 60 kc if, 6BV8 60 kc if amp/avc/am det, 12AU7 prod det, 6AL5 anl, 6BZ6 xtal calib, 6C4 hfo, 12AU7 60 kc bfo/s-meter, 6BA6 455 kc gate, 6AV6 af1/avc, 6AQ5 af out, 0A2 vr, Si rect.
Hammarlund HQ-170A
Type: Ham Bands Only Modes: AM/CW/SSB Tubes/Stages: 16/ 1-RF, 4-IF Audio Output: 6AQ5/1.0W Product Detector: Yes Filter: 60 kc L/C New Price/Year: $369/1962-1968 Size: 10.5"h x 19.0"w x 13.0"d Approx. Weight: 45 lbs
Tube Complement: 6BZ6 rf amp, 6BE6 mixer1, 6BE6 mixer2/xco, 6BA6 455 kc if1, 6BE6 mixer3/var osc, 6BA6 60 kc if2, 6BA6 60 kc if3, 6BV8 60 kc if4/avc/am det, 12AU7 prod det, 6AL5 anl, 6BZ6 xtal calib, 6C4 hfo, 12AU7 60 kc bfo/meter amp, 6AV6 af1/avc clamp, 6AQ5 af out, 0A2 vr, Si rect.
Hammarlund HQ-200
Type: General Coverage Modes: AM/CW/SSB Tubes/Stages: 8 + 5 diodes/ 1-RF, 2-IF Audio Output: 6AQ5/2W Product Detector: None Filter: Q-Multiplier New Price/Year: $229.50/1969-1972 Size: 8.0"h x 16.5"w x 9.25"d Approx. Weight: 27 lbs
Tube Complement: 8 tubes (6BZ6 rf amp, 6BA6 if1, 6BA6 if2), 2 diodes, 2 rectifiers, 1 Zener.
Hammarlund HQ-215
Type: Ham Bands Only Modes: AM/CW/SSB All Solid State/Stages: X-RF, X-IF Audio Output: 1.5W Product Detector: Yes Filter: Xtal, Mechanical (2.1 kHz, others optional) New Price/Year: $399.99-$529.50/1967-1969 Size: 7.0"h x 16.0"w x 14.0"d Approx. Weight: 16 lbs
Semiconductor Complement: 26 Transistors, 13 Diodes, 2 Zener Diode Regulators.
Hammarlund HC-10 SSB Adapter
Function: Provides SSB reception and selectivity for receivers without a product detector. Has slot filter & passband tuning. Power Supply: Internal Installation: Plugs into a receiver's last IF tube socket. Speaker connects to the HC-10. Requirements: Receiver must have IF frequency between 450 and 500 kc. New Price/Year: $149/1959 Size: 9.5"h x 9.25"w x 7.1"d Approx. Weight: 15 lbs
Tube Complement: 10 tubes.
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