Electronic Schematic Symbols |
Component | Symbol | Component | Symbol |
Antenna | | Relay | |
Battery | | Relay Contacts | |
Bulb (indicator lamp) | | Resistor | |
Capacitor | | Resistor (Tapped) | |
Capacitor (Electrolytic) | | Resistor (Variable, Potentiometer) | |
Capacitor (Trimmer) | | Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) | |
Capacitor (Variable) | | Speaker | |
Coil (Inductor) | | Switch (SPST) | |
Connection (Chassis) | | Switch (Push Button) | |
Connection (Wires) | | Switch (Rotary) | |
No-Connection (Wires) | | Switch (SPDT) | |
Crystal (Frequency) | | Thermistor | |
Diode | | Transformer (Iron Core) | |
Diode (Shottky) | | Transformer (IF) | |
Field Effect Transistor (FET) (N-Channel) | | Transistor (NPN Bipolar) | |
Field Effect Transistor (FET) (P-Channel) | | Transistor (PNP Bipolar) | |
Fuse | | Vacuum Tube (Diode) | |
Ground Connection | | Vacuum Tube (Triode) | |
Inductor | | Vacuum Tube (Tetrode) | |
Inductor (Iron Core) | | Vacuum Tube (Pentode) | |
Inductor (Variable) | -or- | Unijunction Transistor | |
Light Emitting Diode (LED) | | Varactor | |
Microphone | | Voltmeter | |
Motor (Electric) | | Zener Diode | |
Phone Jack | | Headphones | |
Photo Cell | | Coax or Shielded Cable | |
Note: Standard orientation of symbols is for inputs on left or top and outputs on right or bottom.
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